*I am interested in the meaning of words and often ask for a definition. I enjoy being read longer, more detailed stores and poems. When I am playing or working on a project, I have a greater attention span. I am beginning to understand rules and am better at waiting for my turn. I am a great collector of rocks, bottle caps, butterflies, etc. *When few exceptions, speech is like that of adult. *Recognizes geometric shapes. *Knows days of the week. *Understands "less," "more," "bigger," "little." *Names five or more colors. *Counts ten objects. *Cuts smoothly around circle. *Has good posture. *Beginning to copy first name. *Pencil or crayon grasped from the middle. *Can tie knots. *Copies a square. *Drawings begin to show planning and understanding of space. *Dresses self independently except for tying shoes. *Uses preferred hand most frequently. *Can draw a human figure showing body parts. *50% successful at throwing and catching a ball from eight feet away. *Can jump over a barrier. *Hops on one foot. *Runs almost as smoothly as an adult. *Skips on alternate feet.